The First Congregational Church in Thetford is a beautiful and historic building that is the spiritual home to the First Congregational Church in Thetford Community. It also houses a child care center that operates Monday-Friday 8-5:30, daily piano lessons, weekly AA program meetings, and many church and community group meetings and events, such as concerts and movies.
The Sanctuary is a beautiful open space, ideal for concerts, readings, weddings, funerals and other formal events. Food is not allowed in the Sanctuary. Rental of the Sanctuary includes use of the “Pie Room” and the kitchen.
Newcomb Room
The Newcomb Room is a large private space near the kitchen upstairs. It offers an open, carpeted space ideal for exercise classes. Tables and chairs are available nearby and may be set up for lectures or movies. The Newcomb Room is available to rent with or without the kitchen, and if rented with the kitchen, the open space called the “Pie Room” is also included.
Sunday School Room
The Sunday School Room is a medium sized private space downstairs with access to two bathrooms.
Pie Room
The Pie Room is an open space upstairs and not available for rent separately but often used by church members for informal meetings and discussions.
Church Offices
The two church offices are available for use by church members only.
Building Use Rental Process & Fees
See the Building Use Fees for Non-Members or the Building Use Fees for Church Members for charges for use of the different spaces. Building Use Fees help cover the many expenses of operating the building, such as heat, water, sewer, plowing, custodial care and other expenses incurred through use of the space. Therefore, most non-church events must help cover these expenses, through the payment of the fees or through donations. The Trustees are willing to consider modifying the applicable fee for special circumstances.
Feel free to view our Rules for Use and Closing Checklist before discussing your rental needs with the Building Use Coordinator.
Our goal is to provide as many spaces as possible within the church to the many groups who need space, though activities of the FCCT have priority for use of the church spaces.
For questions or to book the use of any of the Church spaces, please contact the Building Use Coordinator at building.use@thetfordhillchurch.org, or by phone at 802-785-2915.
Building Use Policy and Procedures
Groups or individuals contact the Building Use Coordinator (BUC) to determine availability of space and fees for that use. In the absence of the Building Use Coordinator, the Trustee on Duty serves as back-up to the Building Use Coordinator for this purpose. The BUC discusses the kind of space needed for the regular use or one-time event and the fees that apply, if any, and handles any conflicts with space use that might arise. The BUC will consult with Trustees as needed.
Competing Requests
In case of multiple requests for a specific space, the Building Coordinator may ask a regular program to move to a different space in order to accommodate the largest number of events. A program or event that is already scheduled will not be asked to cancel an event or meeting, but to move to a different space in the church. Sufficient advanced notice will be provided to the organizer, and on site signage will be provided to direct people to the correct location.
Types of groups or events
Church groups and individual church members are not charged a fee for activities with no admission charge. Non-church groups or individuals who are not members are charged a fee. If a church group co-sponsors an event with a non-church group and there is no admission, the preference is to follow the donations policy above, and use 50% of the donations, up to the building use fee for that use, at the no admission rate. If a church group co-sponsors an event with a non-church group and there is an admission fee, the building use fee schedule should be followed.
Consult the Building Use Coordinator and Trustees when there are questions about fees and policies.
Guidelines for building use from the ByLaws
Permission to use the Church property shall not be granted to groups or individuals whose principles or activities are in conflict with those of this Church, or to partisan political groups.
Alcohol use is prohibited in the church building.
Food Service Options:
The Church has one kitchen facility which is upstairs.
– What is available when you rent the space?
– Tables and Chairs
– Instruments (see policy on use of the instruments)
– Coffee maker
– Hot water pots
– Dishes
Cleaning supplies and paper products are provided so groups can clean up after an event or meeting